
歴代メンバーを年度毎にご紹介します。iGEM Jamboreeに出場した年はWikiもご覧いただけます。

Theme: Avoideer


石橋 凌平 (Ryohei ISHIBASHI)

Sophomore of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Role: Team Leader
Hobby: 旅行、映画
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阿部 惇之介 (Junnosuke ABE)

Sophomore of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Resources Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Role: Wet experiment
Hobby: 読書風妄想

稲垣 雄太 (Yuta INAGAKI)

Freshman of the Department of Applied Life Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment
Hobby: 旅行、空手

内山 新平 (Shimpei UCHIYAMA)

Senior of the Department of Industrial Chemistry, the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Role: Paper Search
Hobby: Soccer

岡本 陽(Haru OKAMOTO)

Freshman of the Department of Applied Life Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment
Hobby: 魚とり、買い物

金井 志耕(Shiko KANAI)

Freshman of the Department of Bioresource Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment
Hobby: 魚釣り、雑草

桐山 賢斗 (Kento Kiriyama)

Freshman of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Kyoto University
Role: Dry Experiment, Wet Experiment
Hobby: tennis
桐-Kiri-iGEM編episode of side K

須澤 令 (Rei SUZAWA)

Freshman of the Department of Forest and Biomaterials Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment
Hobby: サッカー、ゲーム、サイクリング、旅行

関川 隆 (Ryu SEKIKAWA)

Sophomore of the Department of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment, Human Practice
Hobby: 鉄道旅行

土田 美咲 (Misaki TSUCHIDA)

Sophomore of the Department of Applied Life Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Wiki, Accounting and Design
Hobby: Basketball
Daily coffee and tea

林 泰瑶 (Taiyo HAYASHI)

Senior of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Role: Wiki, Dry Experiment
Hobby: 競プロ, ゲーム

福岡 大空 (Taku FUKUOKA)

Sophomore of the Department of Forest and Biomaterials Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Role: Collaboration, Education
Hobby: 生け花

三笘 隼人 (Hayato MITOMA)

Sophomore of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Role: Wet Experiment
Hobby: 生物採集
Everything happens for a reason.

三原 一星 (Issei MIHARA)

Sophomore of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Role: Project Leader
Hobby: Piano
Where there's a will, there's a way.

モンタネズ マリヤナ (Marjana MONTANEZ)

Junior of the Department of Industrial Chemistry, the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Role: Paper Search, Wet Experiment
Hobby: 執筆